Holy Joys Sermons
Theologically robust preaching from holyjoys.org.
58 episodes
Entire Sanctification: The Whole Christ for the Whole Man (Matthew 22:34–40)
This sermon was preached by Johnathan Arnold as a guest speaker at Gratz Emmanuel Wesleyan Church on January 5, 2025, the twelfth day of Christmas. Total depravity in the first Adam requires total incarnation and healing by the Second Adam whic...
The People of God: Old Testament Preparations for the Church
The first lecture in a six-week series on the Doctrine of the Church.
For Our Sins He Was Tempted: Recapitulation in Matthew's Gospel (Matthew 4:1–11)
Johnathan Arnold preaches on how Christ's victory over temptation in the wilderness is necessary for our redemption and empowers us to defeat Satan's temptations in our own lives.
The Gospel: A Catechetical Sermon
Johnathan Arnold addresses the question "What is the gospel?" by drawing on various Scriptures.
The Resurrection of Christ: A Catechetical Sermon
Johnathan Arnold preaches the resurrection of Christ from various texts on Easter Sunday. On the third day, Christ truly rose again from the dead, with body and soul, to overcome death, declare his Lordship, and begin the work of making all thi...
Look and Live: Christ Breaks the Serpent's Power (Numbers 21:4–9)
Johnathan Arnold preaches for Palm/Passion Sunday from Numbers 21:4–9 on how the sign of the bronze serpent points to Christ's head-crushing victory over Satan, "that old serpent."
Mature in Christ: An Introduction to Spiritual Formation (Colossians 1:28)
Johnathan Arnold draws from Colossians 1:28 and other passages of Scripture to explain the process of spiritual formation towards maturity in Christ.
Qualified Elders and Deacons (1 Timothy 3:1–13)
Johnathan Arnold teaches from 1 Timothy 3 and other key passages on the biblical offices of elder and deacon. Download the handout at holyjoys.org/elders-deacons.
The Joseph Story: An Allegory of Christ (Genesis 37–50)
Johnathan Arnold preaches on seeing Jesus in all of Scripture, using the story of Joseph in Genesis 37–50 as a case study, drawing applications for those in need of what Christ the true Joseph still offers today.
Leah: God Wants the Unwanted (Genesis 29:31–30:24)
Johnathan Arnold preaches a narrative sermon on Leah's struggle to earn her husband's affection.
Did God Really Regret Making Us? (Genesis 6:6)
Johnathan Arnold preaches on Genesis 6:6 in light of God's immutability and impassibility.
Greeting Christ at His Table: A Christmas Homily
Johnathan Arnold preaches a Christmas communion sermon as the conclusion to an Advent series on Christ as our Prophet, Priest, and King. See the article "'Christmas' Means 'the Lord's Supper on C...
Waiting for a King (Isaiah 9:1–7)
Johnathan Arnold continues his Advent sermon series on Waiting for Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King.
Waiting for a Priest (Genesis 14:17–20)
Johnathan Arnold continues his Advent series on waiting for Christ—Prophet, Priest, and King.